Healthy Mouth Healthy Body
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About Us

The Indian Dental Association (IDA) is an authoritative, independent and recognized voice of dental professionals in India. IDA's 28 State Branches, 350 Local branches and 1 Defence branch have a combined membership of over 50,000 dedicated dental professionals and it still grows. We are committed to public oral health, ethics, science and advancement of dental professionals through its initiatives in advocacy, education, research and development of standards.

An authority on oral health, the association endeavors to meet the public needs and expectations. We acknowledge that oral health is an integral part of general health and well-being. Therefore, our aim is to lead the nation to optimal oral health. We pledge our knowledge, experience and expertise for dental excellence and the advancement of dental professionals. Along with this, we are committed to dental excellence and the advancement of dental professionals.

IDA Mission

Our mission is to improve the oral health of the public by innovation in education, training, research, advocacy and related programmes. This translates into a commitment for dental excellence. IDA’s mission is

  • To improve oral health of the public
  • To innovate in dentistry through education, training, research, advocacy and related programmes and strive for dental excellence by enhancing and updating skills and knowledge by way of Scientific innovations
  • To be the national voice of dentists and protect their rights; IDA represents the dental profession and support members in the provision of comprehensive, quality oral healthcare
  • To increase oral health awareness and education through activities and publications
  • To ensure safe and oral hygiene products through standardization and the IDA Seal
  • To coordinate and assist scientific and research-related activities among all sectors of the dental community

Objectives of the Site

IDA has been slowly and steadily changing the face of Indian Dentistry since 1946. Healthy Mouth Healthy Body is yet another initiative taken by IDA for increasing public awareness on Oral Health. This website welcomes people who are seeking information, would like to educate themselves or need assistance on any aspect of oral health.

Oral Hygiene is intricately connected to General Health. IDA believes in the saying, ‘mouth mirrors the body’, as through the mouth we can diagnose numerous underlying problems in the body. Your dentist can detect problems like:

  • Oral Cancer
  • Systemic Cancer
  • Dental Diseases
  • Vitamin Deficiencies
  • Blood Disorders
  • Disorders of the Jaw Joints
  • STD's like Herpes and Syphilis
  • Facial Nerve Disorders

IDA believes that dental diseases are preventable. Regular dental care is not only cheaper than treatment but also easier to follow. It just requires a brush, paste and two visits to the dentists in a year to protect teeth, save time, money and smile.

Tooth decay and gum diseases can cause pain and inability to attend work in turn affects overall quality of life. Every stage of life has its own specific dental concerns and accordingly IDA has tried to address those age specific dental problems here.

If you still have unanswered questions and require special assistance after going through this website, we will be happy to and answer your queries. Please write to us at

Whether you have dental problems or not, don’t forget to visit our Funny Section and have a hearty laugh or a smile or a smirk or grin or a giggle may be.